About Sound Healing
Sound Healing

The basic principle of Sound Healing is the concept of resonance (the vibratory frequency of an object). Everything in this world has a vibrational frequency, including ourselves. Each organ and system in our body has its own resonant frequency which interacts with each other and as a whole.
These vibrational frequencies not only exist in our physical bodies, but also exist within the electromagnetic field that surrounds our bodies. This field is called the “Biofield”. This Biofield, which contains our life-force energy, not only surrounds us but also is within us keeping our cells charged with life and powering all the “automatic” processes that occur within our body. Our Biofield exists simultaneously with our physical body, with each having effect on the other.
Sound Healing uses specific sound frequencies that create healing responses to bring the Biofield into a state of vibrational balance and harmony using sound, rhythm and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways. The balancing of the Biofield in turn helps to effect healing in the physical body.
Healing is something ALL of our bodies are naturally designed to do. However stress, trauma, sickness & life experiences impact our Biofield & consequently our physical body altering our vibrational frequency. As time passes, the Biofield accumulates areas of dissonance (a bit like static when you are trying to listen to the radio). This dissonance results in our bodies and minds becoming increasingly stuck and inhibiting our body’s own ability to heal in the way it is capable of. These dissonances can be located in the physical body, the Biofield or both. If left undealt with, it can lead to varying health issues whether it be physical, emotional, mental, behavioural, and spiritual as well as impact our relationships.
Sound Healing helps to facilitate the releasing of these dissonances and restoration of coherent vibration to the Biofield. This enables the body and mind to establish new rhythms, patterns and flows which becomes the foundation of restoring the clarity of our vibrational blueprint.
“Sound-based vibration treatment has been shown to help people with pain from arthritis, menstrual pain, postoperative pain, knee replacement pain. Sound-based treatment has even been found to improve mobility, reduce muscle pain and stiffness, increase blood circulation, and lower blood pressure”
– Marlynn Wei M.D., J.D Psychiatrist
Frequently Asked Questions
What is sound healing?
How does sound healing work?
When sound waves reach our ears, they are converted into electrical signals that travel up the auditory nerve into the auditory cortex, the part of the brain that processes sound. Once sound waves reach our brains, they trigger responses in our bodies.
Our bodies are also composed of about 65% of water. Water acts as a fantastic conductor of the vibrations of sound waves. The therapeutic Instruments which are specifically chosen and played on or around they body, produce sound vibrations that are carried through the body’s water content to the organs and body systems.
Sound healing also works with the human Biofield, the field of energy that surrounds and extends from the body, helping to facilitate the releasing of vibrational dissonances and restoration of coherent vibration to the Biofield.
What should I wear to a sound healing session?
Wear comfortable clothing and avoid tops with zips and buttons. You will remain clothed during the session and will lay on your back or stomach on a treatment table or mat on the floor. Occasionally clients may be asked to sit upright in a chair.
What happens during a sound healing session?
Depending on the type of treatment required, the Practitioner may use the instruments over and around the body or at times may place different instruments gently on areas of the body to allow the vibrational frequencies of the instruments to penetrate the body in a greater way.
What do I need to do during the sound healing session?
Each session is a participatory experience. While you become relaxed and experience stillness, you participate by focussing on your chosen healing intention while the sounds are created. At times you may be asked to co-create sounds with the practitioner in order to strengthen the healing work.
What if I don’t like a sound?
What will I experience during a sound healing session?
You may have an array of experiences ranging from feeling warmth and tingling throughout the body, a sensation of floating or becoming very light, or a sensation of becoming very heavy and melding into the table. It is common for clients to see colours or visions, have spontaneous muscle jolts, or even have an emotional release such as crying or giggling. Experiences will differ with each person, every time.
Regardless of whether you experience any of these, the frequencies are working throughout your biofield and physical body creating a healing response.
What will I need to do after my session?
How many sessions will I need?
Benefits of Sound Healing will be gained from the first session, however, there are various factors that determine when healing may be fully experienced. Healing is a journey and takes time. Timeframes for healing will vary person to person and depend on the severity of the issue being addressed, how long it has been an issue and the client’s willingness to engage in the healing process. For some people it may be 4 sessions, for others it might be 12, or 20. However, because Sound Healing transforms the root energetic dissonance into new coherent vibrational patterns, in most cases, results are lasting and therefore won’t require lifetime treatment.
As the healing journey progresses, many clients utilize simple vocal toning exercises /other recommendations to support their general wellbeing and choose to return for occasional maintenance sessions as they feel is needed.
Why do some people feel tired after a Sound Healing Session?
With the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes we push past our body’s indicator signs of stress and overload. In the absence of regenerative and replenishing practices, our Nervous system, Endocrine system and other organs and body systems can move into overdrive or progressively shut down.
The sound frequencies and techniques used in Sound Healing trigger deep relaxation and slows down brain waves to a deeply restorative state, which activates the body’s system of self-healing.
Tiredness is the body’s way of indicating that it is in healing mode and is using energy to restore balance and vitality. If tiredness is something that you experience after a session, the best way to support this restorative time is to allow yourself the time and space to rest. This may mean having a nap or choosing restful, quiet or gentle activities or restructuring your calendar to accommodate the necessary down time.
Allowing yourself the space for your body to utilize its energy to restore balance and heal will not only maximise the effects of the session but also support sustained healing longer term – especially when adopted with ongoing regenerative and replenishing practices.
Why do some people re-feel emotions after a Sound Healing Session?
Everyone’s healing journey is different, and what we experience in the healing process depends on many factors. For some, their health condition or disease may be linked to unresolved stress, trauma and/or unresolved emotions from life experiences.
If we have experienced an emotion and not been able to deal with it or not known how to process it, it gets held within our biofield and/or body creating a dissonant pattern of stuck energy that can manifest in various ways such as pain, aches or repetitive behaviour. During Sound Healing sessions, this dissonant pattern may be released and with the release of the dissonance can come a release of that stuck emotion. For some this may mean a re-emergence of old emotions pertaining to a life event/experience. For others they may feel emotion without a clear link to memories. In either case, it is important to allow yourself the space and time to process the emotion and find safe and appropriate ways to let it go.
For some people it may mean crying, writing in a journal or talking with your partner or friend. For others it may help to physically exert energy. Some people may also find they look for extra support from a professional counsellor or psychologist to assist with processing the healing process.
Sound Healing is able to gently yet effectively support the releasing of held emotions, trauma and stress whilst reforming new patterns of calm, peace and balance that support your journey of life moving forward.
Why has my urine changed colour after a Sound Healing Session?
The vibrational frequencies used during the Sound Healing session penetrate deep to the cellular level.
While not experienced by everyone, some people do find that their urine changes colour. The colour can range from anywhere between a dark yellow through to mid brown, even black. The colour of the urine simply indicates the body’s healing process in detoxifying and eliminating toxins and waste from the cells and organs.
The best way to support the detoxification and healing process is to eat nutritious, wholesome foods and drink plenty of water.
This usually settles within a few days.
Why have my bowel movements changed after a Sound Healing Session?
After a Sound Healing session, the vibrational frequencies are moving throughout and around the body healing and balancing energy to organs and body systems. As a result, digestion and elimination processes are triggered, removing waste products and toxins that have built up over time.
Some people may find they need to go to the toilet more frequently, others may find their bowel movements change in colour or form. This is part of the body’s detoxification and healing process.
The best way to support the detoxification and healing process is to eat nutritious, wholesome foods and drink plenty of water.
This usually settles within a few days.
What professionals say

“Clinical Studies demonstrate that sound and guided-imagery meditation can boost the immune system, decrease stress hormones, lower heart rate and blood pressure, and induce alpha and theta brainwave patterns which as associated with the production of endorphins – the body’s natural pain killers”
– Dr Mitchell Gaynor

Modern science is finally recognising that energy constitutes the blueprint of the physical body. Meanwhile, the energetic vibration of sound can be used to change the blueprint in ways that foster health & wellbeing. Genes literally express themselves in different ways when exposed to specific kinds of sound.

“Controlled clinical studies have found significant benefits with the use of music for depression and anxiety, pain relief, stroke recovery, schizophrenia, and behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. Because music is not associated with significant adverse effects, it is a viable adjunctive treatment option.”
– Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 54(12), 23-27.

"Sound can change our immune system. After chanting or listening to certain forms of music (meditative), your Interluken-1 level, an index of your immune system, goes up between 12.5 and 15 percent. Not only that, about 20 minutes after listening to this meditative type music, your immunoglobin levels in your blood are significantly increased. There’s no part of our body not effected. Even our heart rate and blood pressure is lowered with certain forms of music. So it effects not only our soul and spirit, but it affects us on literally a cellular and sub-cellular level."

“What we hear, and how we process it, has a far greater impact on our daily living than we realize. From the womb to the moment we die we are surrounded by sound, and what we hear can either energize or deplete our nervous systems. It is no exaggeration to say what goes into our ears can harm us or heal us.”
– Joshua Leeds, author of “The Power of Sound”.
Further Information:
The following articles and videos have more information relating to sound healing.
- Conversation with Dr. Bruce Lipton about Sound Healing
- Biofield Science: Current Physics Perspectives. Menas C.Kafatos PhD, Gaetan Chevalier PhD, Deepak Chopra MD, John Hubacher MA, Subhash Kak PhD and Niel Theise MD. Published online 2015 Nov 1.
- Electromagnetic Energy and Sound Vibration Modulates Gene Expression for Biological Signalling and Healing.
David Muehsam PhD and Carlo Ventura MD, PhD. - Effects of Singing Bowl Sound Meditation on Mood, Tension, and Well-being. Tamara L. Goldsby, Michael E. Goldsby, Mary McWalters, Paul J. Mills, 2017
- The effect of low-frequency sound stimulation on patients with fibromyalgia.
- Using Music for Addictions
- Music: a better alternative than pain?
- The effect sound frequencies can have on water and similarly, our bodies.
- Cymatics: it is the study of sound and vibration made visible.
- Using Sound for Parkinson’s
- Sound Healing for stress management
- Sound Healing for lower back pain
- Using sound to reduce blood pressure
- Why consider sound for healing
- Sound Healing compliments other therapeutic modalities
- Science of the Gong Bath Explained
- Cancer Wellness – the Sound Solution
Ready to Feel The Difference?
Book a session with Emily today to experience the feeling that comes with holistic health and wellbeing.