AutoImmune Disease – Balancing the Immune System

Case Study

The Client:

Josie[i], a 71 year old woman chose to have sound healing sessions because she was feeling like some shifts needed to occur in her life. She understood the concept of undealt stress and emotions manifesting in the physical body.

Josie had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. She was also suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and expressed constant daily stress due to family matters.

What is Rheumatoid arthritis and Irritable bowel syndrome?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the joints. Multiple joints can be affected at a time. The joints in the hands, wrists, and knees tend to be the most common targets.

When the immune system attacks these joints, it causes pain, inflammation, and stiffness. This can lead to degeneration of the joints. People with Rheumatoid arthritis may lose joint function or even develop deformities in the affected joints. 

[i] Clients name changed to retain confidentiality.

Figure 1. Clients Self-questionnaire Ratings: Prior to Sound Healing

Figure 2. Clients Self-questionnaire Ratings: After Session 3

Sound Healing Approach:

Certain notes/ intervals were used each session to support the balancing of Josie’s nervous system and triggering the relaxation response in her body.

Protocols were chosen around Josie’s desired intention for each session. Other aspects (instruments, techniques and intervals) used within the session were to support her fluctuating needs that were being reflected in her feedback/discussions at the start of the session. Singing bowls and tuning forks were used to support aspects of joint mobility, openness, digestion and lifting of the Spirit, as well as a little Gong & Voice for releasing. Koshi chimes were also used to balance the elements: water and earth to balance the “dryness” (fire and air) of the Arthritic symptoms

What Happened:

Progress for Josie was slow at first, however in Session 3 she experienced a significant release.  Whilst the instruments were being used she experienced a profound sense of heat in her body and a sensation on her face. She went on to share that she was reminded of a past experience, which she felt it related to.

Following this session, Josie’s self-questionnaire ratings shifted dramatically (see below). Large areas of pain/discomfort had disappeared. Digestive Issues had reduced considerably, as did worry, fatigue, self-criticism, depression and fear. She expressed that her energies had increased and her sleeping had improved considerably also.

Josie came out of curiosity looking for shifts and has received so much more than she thought possible. She is amazed at the degree to which healing is occurring

[i] Clients name changed to retain confidentiality.